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Breaking Free: How I Found Power in My Powerlessness of Addiction

I am George a recovering alcoholic. My sobriety date is 29th July, 2022. For close to 30 years I was entangled with the disease of alcoholism. I started testing alcohol way back in 1992 when I was in the minor seminary of Gulu under the influence of my friends and on a Christmas day. At the begining it was not okay for me but as I continued the whole thing started to be very nice and okay as I progressed. I continued until I became fully blown alcoholic totally powerless over myself and my life became unmanageable.

When I came to PACTA, I didn't know it was a progressive problem. It was at PACTA that I learnt about the progression of the disease of alcoholism. It is also sometimes refered to as the disease of ignorance which can affect anybody. It is an equal opportunity disease which does not segregate on the basis of gender, colour, creed, race or profession but the disease can be treated by arresting the progression.

After learning all these and accepting that I was powerless and following the 12-steps of Alcoholic Anonymous (AA), I gained recovery. I want to thank my Higher Power (God as I understand Him) for allowing this to happen to me.

My addiction to alcohol shattered my dreams. My first dream was to become a catholic priest and anoter one was to have a stable family but alcoholism robbed me of all.

With so much feeling of disappointments, I became frustrated and the only solution to nurse my pain was to turn to the bottle to seek consolation and guidance which happen to many people when they are in the state in which I was.

Finally, when my alcoholism worsened, my good old friends of the seminary collected me like a log and brought me to PACTA. After going through the program, I recived a break free, regained my power from powerlessness through recovery and sobriety. All I reap now is the peace I wanted and my broken family re-united.

I would like to conclude by saying that PACTA made me to realise that we can again begin a new life when we are sober. There is nothing alcohol or drugs will solve than make it worst. If you want to be successful in life; BE SOBER, ONE DAY AT A TIME. Remember, Alcohol or drugs will destroy your visions, goals, vocations, and relationships: BETTER TO BE SOBER THAN LOOSE IT ALL!



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